Financial difficulties

Sometimes life can throw you a curve ball in the form of medical treatment, job loss, or divorce. It's at these times you might need some financial assistance to pay your water bills. We have a number of support options available to help you get through the tough times. To access our support options, you don't need to register for our priority assistance programme, you can simply choose from the options below and complete the required forms.

Payment arrangements
Water Utility Consumer Assistance Trust
Work and Income NZ
Citizens Advice Bureau
Auckland Council rates rebate scheme
image of a calculator that links to our water calculator where you can work out your household usage

Take 5 and tap into your water footprint?

We should all treat water as precious and conserve it when and where we can. Did you know, it takes less than five minutes to find out what your water footprint is and where you can make changes to your household water use. If you're saving water, you're reducing your water footprint and saving money.

Click here to take the water calculator test