Rehua and Aorere Park wastewater upgrade
Upgrading and remediating the wastewater network to cater for growth in Māngere and surrounding suburbs.
January 2024 – December 2024
Various locations in Rehua and Aorere Park
What’s happening?
We are delivering a programme of works to service the redevelopment of a significant number of Kāinga Ora properties in Māngere and surrounding suburbs.
Why is the project needed?
To reduce the infiltration and inflow so the existing network will not only be able to carry the increased flow from these developments but also have fewer overflows once the project is completed.
What will the project entail?
The project includes several components:
• New underground wastewater pipes to accommodate the increase in capacity from the intensification of housing in these neighbourhoods. This work will be undertaken with open trenches.
• Remediating aging infrastructure to ensure a continuation of service levels. The relining of the pipes and manhole repair work will be undertaken with limited disruption.
• Replacement of damaged pipes to ensure servicing problems are addressed. This will be completed using open trenching methods.
How will the work be undertaken?
The work programme is split into several working areas across two locations: Rehua 1,2 and 3 and Aorere 1, 2, 3 and 4. The two work areas will be operating simultaneously to lessen the period of disruption.
The investigation phase of the project (which is now complete) confirmed the works required. We are currently in the rehabilitation phase of the project which involves the renewal of the pipes. This work involves open trench remediation and installation of new pipes. Much of this work is within private property so the team will approach residents directly to coordinate access requirements. Each work area will have trenched construction for approximately six weeks. This work is due for completion by the end of October 2024.
Above: Rehua 1, 2 and 3 works area
Above: Aorere 1, 2, 3 and 4 works area
When will construction start?
The project construction across both locations started in January 2024 with an expected completion by March 2025. However, this completion date may change as the work is progressing well.
How will the work affect you?
- Work hours will typically be from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
- Open trenching for the laying of pipes will take approximately six weeks to complete in each location
- Construction works will generate some noise and vibration, however, levels will be kept to a minimum and in accordance with Auckland Council requirements
- Some street parking may need to be temporarily removed near the site to allow traffic management to be set up as part of the approved traffic management plan.