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Ngā rua ngote wainuku


For residential and commercial customers to make use of a bore they need to apply to Auckland Council for permission and notify us

If you’re connected to either our water or wastewater networks and you choose to use bore water as an alternate water source, you need to let us know. This is for two reasons: Firstly, to ensure that our water network is protected from any alternate source that could mix with the metropolitan water supply, and secondly, to ensure that our wastewater network has capacity for additional wastewater discharge.

What are bores?

Bore water is groundwater that has been accessed by drilling into underground water stores called aquifers. A pump is typically required to lift groundwater to the surface, then the water travels through pipes to its destination.

Who would want to install a bore and why?

Residential customers might wish to install a bore for outdoor activities like watering their garden or washing their cars. Commercial customers, such as laundromats and car wash operators, may wish to set up a bore to lower their water bill.

The way you can use bore water depends on its quality and what your needs are. While we deliver high quality drinking water to Auckland communities, bore water may not be suitable for drinking. Some customers choose to filter and treat their bore water depending on what they want to use it for. Conveniently, we have a laboratory service that can test the water quality from your bore. Visit the website by clicking the button below.

I want to install a bore. What do I do now?

Step 1: Applying for a bore water permit
Step 2: Installing the bore
Step 3: Notifying us
Step 4: What's next

Got a question?

We are here to help. Contact Adeeb from our customer team at [email protected] if you have any questions.