What's going on?
Stay on the pulse with news and updates, and info on our projects across Auckland.
Tunnelling towards cleaner waterways
Our team is more than 3/4 of the way through building the 16.2-kilometre Central Interceptor wastewater tunnel deep beneath Auckland.
Latest newsletter
Check out our Tapped In newsletter to learn about how we're investing in Auckland's water and wastewater networks.
How can we help?
Information and support to help you manage the water account for your business.
Buying or selling a commercial property
Important things to know about your responsibilities, water bills and water use when purchasing a commercial property.
Information for business tenants
If you rent or lease commercial premises, you can learn all about water usage and your water bill here.
Trade waste
Learn about your responsibilities to manage your liquid waste as a business and how we monitor compliance.
Resources for Mandarin speakers
Access our translated resources to help manage your account.
Learn about water
About water meters
Learn more about water meters and make sure you’ve got the right type for your water usage.
Saving water at your workplace
Make a measurable difference to your business’s water bill and your environmental impact.
Alternative water solutions
Learn about alternative water solutions for your home or business and the new water sources we’re exploring for the future as Auckland’s water demand continues to grow.