Tono whakahokinga pūtea
Request a refund
If one of your accounts has more than $20 in credit, you can request a refund using our simple form.
Apply for a refund
If you overpaid a bill and would like a refund, you can request one using the form. You’ll need the account information found on the bill.
You can also apply through MyAccount or by calling us at (09) 442 2222.
Refunds go back to the original payee and method of payment (credit card or bank account). Please allow up to 5 working days from successfully submitting your request for your funds to arrive.
If the refund request is to a different bank account you must attach:
- Proof that the old bank account is closed or old credit card is cancelled
- A deposit slip or bank statement that shows the payer’s name and new bank account
Solicitors are exempt from providing the above documentation as they are acting on behalf of their client as part of a property sale and purchase process.
Your first refund per calendar year is free. Additional refunds may incur a fee.