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Higher bill than usual?

A high water bill can catch you by surprise, and you'll no doubt be wondering what could have caused the spike. Here are some of the common causes for a higher-than-usual bill and what you can do to rule in and out possible causes.

Calculate your household's water footprint

Find out what your water footprint is and in which areas of your home you use the most water.

Need help paying your bill?

If you’re experiencing financial difficulty, we can provide options that may help.

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Steps for troubleshooting a high bill

It’s common to assume that a high bill means a possible leak on your property, but before you investigate that, start by asking these questions.

Step 1: Is the meter-read accurate?
Step 2: Is this a catch-up bill?
Step 3: Has your water usage changed?
Step 4: Check for a leak

Calculate your approximate water usage

Did you know that you can calculate which part of your home is using the most water? The Smart Watermark water calculator helps estimate your approximate water use so you can identify possible issues.

Reduce usage with a free water check

You're eligible for a water check through our friends at EcoMatters. One of their sustainability advisors will visit your home to look at all water-related things. They’ll check everything from your kitchen and bathroom flow rates to your washing habits to make sure you are not losing or using water needlessly.

This free check takes about an hour, and any water-saving devices the team install are also free of charge.

Thanks to this free service, customers have saved on average $179 each on their annual water bills.